re: Steinman must have blessed us when he gave us those songs | |
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steven_stuart 01:02 pm UTC 04/21/21 |
In reply to: | Steinman must have blessed us when he gave us those songs - Evan 12:54 am UTC 04/21/21 |
Another really nice tribute. Thank you for sharing it with us. Its great that people are posting on this forum again. I remember discovering it years ago and thinking it was uber cool. This forum is a very special part of Jim history. I like the Rockman FB page but I miss this forum being very active. > I remember being a teenager and always being the last > family to progress technologically. It took us forever to > buy a computer. I had to walk to the public library to use > the computer so I could access this website because low > and behold, there were others who loved Jim Steinman’s > music as much as I did. It was so nice to connect with > other like minded individuals passionate about Jim. > > I first got into “Bat Out Of Hell” through seeing Meat > Loaf’s appearance in Rocky Horror. I thought he was cool > so I took a chance on his album. I’ll never forget buying > “Bat Out Of Hell” and the cashier ringing me up with an > enthusiastic, “good choice!” I went home and listened and > followed along with the lyrics in the linear sheet. > Instantly, I thought, “this Steinman guy is insane!” > > So began my love affair with Jim’s music. It spoke to me > at a crucial time when I needed it the most. I was a > horny, curious, slightly rebellious teen with pent up > angst. It covered all of my emotions rather perfectly! > > I remember listening to the Braver Than We Are album a few > years back when it was first released and crying while > hearing “Speaking In Tongues”. Only Jim Steinman could > make the line “an erection of the heart” sound so > beautiful! Tonight I’ll listen to that same song and cry > for different reasons. Jim’s music really was an erection > of the heart. It excited your emotions and touched upon > them like no other songwriter could. > > I’ll forever regret not going to Joe’s Pub and meeting > Jim. After Elvis died my mother instantly regretted not > going to one of his concerts with her friends when she had > the chance. That’s how I feel. I wish I had met Jim. If > only to try and somehow express how much his music and > opinions have influenced my life. As a teen I watched > countless interviews and I would hang on his every word. > > I feel like Peter Pan is dead and all of us Lost Boys and > Girls are left to fend for ourselves. It’s an awful > feeling. I feel so alone. I so miss this Rockman > community. From Jacqueline, to Smeghead, to Ryan, Justin, > Lordrahl, BrIan Collins horror movie a day, even Pudding, > > > I’ll try and find solace knowing Jim lived to see his > lifelong passion project actually realized, namely the Bat > Out Of Hell musical! > > I can’t believe I have to type this but RIP Jim Steinman. > God Speed. Your music and wit will live forever, always > conjuring up every possible human emotion, like an > erection of the heart! | |
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