Long time since I posted here but deepest sympathies to all those that knew Jim. He was not as prolific as some, loved recycling and took an age to produce anything but unlike most his output is just about faultless and includes many of the largest epics of all time. A massive part of my life from first hearing You took the words in 1978, many, many Meat Loaf concerts in the 80s and 90s, Whistle Down the Wind original West End run, Bat out of hell musical very first performance 17/2/17 with my son and a few more after that. In those days of pre internet I may not have been alone in thinking Jim was the lead singer of a band called Meatloaf. That was soon corrected when I heard Rock and Roll dreams in 1981 and it became the song of the summer for me as I studied for my O levels. First person in Bradford to buy Bat out of Hell II (two of us in the queue, me and my mate). Anything for love was the first song at my wedding in 1995. No matter what was my Mum's request for her funeral, although her favourite Jim song was Two out of three. My son's have seen the musical so his songs live on