All Of Jim's Songs Were Great |
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steven_stuart 01:53 pm UTC 04/29/21 |
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re: Confidence Man? - neverlandfan 12:41 pm UTC 04/29/21 |
Did Jim ever write a song that was not great? I can't think of one. Even Paul McCartney wrote a few duds when he was trying to complete a solo album. Although, not Jim. No fillers that I can think of. He would instead use other people's songs to complete an album (Bonnie, Pandora's Box).
> My opinion of the songs is they are great :)
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re: Confidence Man? - neverlandfan 12:41 pm UTC 04/29/21 |
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re: All Of Jim's Songs Were Great - rockfenris2005 03:30 pm UTC 04/29/21 |
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