If light were dark and dark were light
The moon a black hole in the blaze of night
A raven's wing as bright as tin
Then you, my love
Would be darker than sin
I've been looking for an original sin
One with a twist and a bit of a spin
And since I've done all the old ones
Till they've all been done in
Now I'm just looking
Then I'm gone with the wind
Endlessly searching for an original sin
You can dance forever
You got a fire in your feet
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough
You can fly and never land
And never need to sleep
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough
It's not enough to make the nightmares go away
It's not enough to make the tears run dry
It's not enough to live a little better every day
Everything that they taught us
Was nothing but lies
Everything that they bought us
Was nothing but bribes
But it'll all be over now
All I wanted was a piece of the night
I never got an equal share
When the stars are out of sight
And the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight
All I needed was a spot in the light
It never had to get so dark
When the stars are out of sight
And the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight
The natives are so restless tonight
I've been looking for the ultimate crime
Infinite victims, infinitesimal time
And I'm so very guilty for no reason or rhyme
So now I'm just looking
And killing some time
Endlessly searching for the ultimate crime
You can lose yourself in pleasure
Till your body's going numb
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough
You can always take whatever
You conceivably could want
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough
It's not enough to make the nightmares go away
It's not enough to make the tears run dry
It's not enough to live a little better every day
Everything that they taught us
Was nothing but lies
Everything that they bought us
Was nothing but bribes
But the lies are over now
All I wanted was a piece of the night
I never got an equal share
When the stars are out of sight
And the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight
All I wanted was a spot in the light
It never had to get so dark
When the stars are out of sight
And the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight
I've been looking for an original sin
One with a twist and a bit of a spin
And since I've done all the old ones
Till they've all been done in
Now I'm just looking
Then I'm gone with the wind
Endlessly searching for an original sin
I'm applying for a license to thrill
Going out on the edge
Moving in for the kill
They'll be hell to pay someday
So put it all on the bill
Cause we'll always be paying
And paying until
We're beyond expiration
With a license to thrill
No one ever said I was a gullible girl
I don't believe everything that I'm told
I've been around and I know the ropes
And I won't get fooled again
I don't believe in no fairy tales
I don't believe in the man in the moon
And no pot of gold or anything else
Is waiting at the rainbow's end
I got no illusions now, I guess I lost them long ago
You're not gonna get me with this, cause I already know
Baby there's no such thing
Baby it just ain't true
And there's no such thing as safe sex
When it comes to loving you
There's always the danger of losing control
And of breaking my heart and exposing my soul
There's just no protection from that look in your eyes
Or the touch of your hands when I break down and cry
There's always the risk of surrendering more
Than I ever intended to do
And there's no such thing as safe sex
When it comes to loving you
I don't believe in the boogie man
I don't believe in no pie in the sky
You can wish upon a star until the stars are gone
That doesn't mean it's really so
There's no such thing as a Santa Claus
There's no such thing as getting money for nothing
And no yellow brick road is gonna take you there
Wherever you've been trying to go
We'll never be as young as this
No matter how we try, we grow
You're not such an innocent boy
And I already know
Baby there's no such thing
Baby it just ain't true
And there's no such thing as safe sex
When it comes to loving you
There's always the danger of giving too much
Love is often a drug
Love is often a crutch
There's no guarantee I can handle it all
The higher the climb
The longer the fall
There's always the danger of losing control
And of breaking my heart and exposing my soul
There's just no protection from that look in your eyes
Or the touch of your hands when I break down and cry
There's always the risk of surrendering more
Than I ever intended to do
And there's no such thing as safe sex
When it comes to loving you
When it comes to loving you...
When the wind is howling through your window pane
It's not the only pain of the night
You're burning up in your bed, you got a fever of love
And there's not an anti-body in sight
Hey Jenny, Jenny
Why are you crying?
There's a beauty of a moon in the sky
But I guess when you've been leading such a sheltered life
You never lift your head and look so high
You don't have a lot
But it's all that you got
And you can turn it into more than it seems
Give it a shot
Fantasize every movement and
Imagine every inch of your dream
No one said it had to be real
But it's gotta be something you can reach out and feel
It ain't right
It ain't fair
Castles fall in the sand
And we fade in the air
And the good girls go to heaven
But the bad girls go everywhere
Good girls go to heaven
Bad girls go everywhere
Somebody told me so
Somebody told me now I know
Every night in my prayer
I'll be praying that the
Good girls go to heaven
But the bad girls go everywhere
When the sweat is sizzling on your skin in the dark
And you're desperate now for somewhere to turn
Every muscle in rebellion
Every nerve is on edge
And every limb has been erotically burned
Hey Johnny, Johnny
Why are you shaking?
When a boy should do whatever he can
You've been nothing but an angel
Every day of your life
And now you wonder what it's like to be damned
You don't have a lot
But it's all that you've got
And you can turn it into more than it seems
Give it a shot
Fantasize every movement and
Imagine every inch of your dream
No one said it had to be real
But it's gotta be something you've been wanting to feel
It ain't right
It ain't fair
Castles fall in the sand
And we fade in the air
And the good boys go to heaven
But the bad boys go everywhere
Good boys go to heaven
Bad boys go everywhere
Somebody told me so
Somebody told me now I know
Every night in my prayer
I'll be praying that the
Good boys go to heaven
But the bad boys go everywhere
Every time I try and dream you
I can't believe how hard it's been to
Conjure up your face and trace your body in the air
All the seconds go on forever
But the thirds and the fourth ones are even better
Every time I do it just a little bit longer
Every time I dream it's just a little bit stronger
Than real life
No one said it had to be real
But it's gotta be something you can reach out and feel
It ain't right
It ain't fair
Castles fall in the sand
And we fade in the air
And the good girls go to heaven
But the bad girls go everywhere
Good girls go to heaven
Bad girls go everywhere
Somebody told me so
Somebody told me now I know
Every night in my prayer
I'll be praying that the
Good girls go to heaven
But the bad girls go everywhere
Ah, come on, come on, let me tell you all about it.
We've got all the time in the world.
That's good,
That's nice…
I've been dreaming up a storm lately
Over and over again
And now I can't stop, can't stop...
Been dreaming about mirrors.
Millions of mirrors.
An endless army af mirrors out of control, reflecting people to death.
To blindness and then death.
Oh and the mirrors kept getting larger.
They kept growing... swelling...
They kept spreading out
And now I can't seem to stop them.
They're still growing and I can't seem to stop them.
I have to keep filling them up,
I have to keep feeding them
And they're still getting larger!
And larger!!!
The mirrors have become vast and beautiful
And very, very hungry.
Hungrier than I've ever been.
Too hungry.
I no longer have any control over what they show me or what they see.
They decide themselves what they would like to reflect.
They won't obey me!!!
They create a reflection and then
I have to go out and find the real thing that matches it.
And almost always when I put the real thing in front of the mirrors
It's not nearly as beautiful as the reflection that came first.
And at that point I have to destroy the real thing
And go out looking again until finally
I find another real thing,
A thing that does match what's inside the mirror
and which is truly worthy of the beautiful reflection that came first.
But I almost never find it.
And the mirrors get even hungrier.
Pretty soon now they're going to devour me.
They're going to swallow me up
Piece by piece,
Bit by bit, shiver by shiver, tremble by tremble,
Sliver and sliver and splinter by splinter...
But you can help me, please.
They want you, please.
They've given me your image.
Before I ever saw you they gave me you image.
I'd like to make you one of my reflections
And feed you to the mirrors.
They only need one more to fill them up
And if it were you I feel that they would be satisfied.
As I would.
You have such a beautiful reflection...
Don't ever waste it.
There were nights when the wind was so cold
That my body froze in bed
If I just listened to it
Right outside the window
There were days when the sun was so cruel
That all the tear turned to dust
And I just knew my eyes were
Drying up forever
I finished crying in the instant that you left
But I can't remember where or when or how
And I banished every memory you and I had ever made!
But when you touch me like this
And you hold me like that
I just have to admit
That it's all coming back to me
When I touch you like this
And I hold you like that
It's so hard to believe but
It's all coming back to me
It's all coming back
It's all coming back to me now
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things I'd never do again
But then they always seemed right
There were nights of sacred pleasure
It was more than any laws allow!
Baby, baby
If I kiss you like this
And if you whisper like that
It was lost long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you want me like this
And if you need me like that
It was dead long ago
But it's all coming back to me
It's so hard to resist
And it's all coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
There were those empty threats and hollow lies
And whenever you tried to hurt me
I just hurt you even worse
And so much deeper
There were hours that just went on for days
When alone at last, we'd count up all the chances
That were lost to us
But you were history with the slamming of the door
And I made myself so strong again somehow
And I never wasted any of my time on you since then!
But if I touch you like this
And if you kiss me like that
It was so long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you touch me like this
And if I kiss you like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me
It's all coming back
It's all coming back to me now
There were moments of gold
There were flashes of light
There were things we'd never do again
But then they always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than all your laws allow!
Baby, baby, baby
When you touch me like this
And when you hold me like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
Then we see what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now!
If you forgive me of this
If I forgive you of that
We forgive and forget
And it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
We see just what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me now...
And when you kiss me like this
When you hold me like that
And if I touch you like this
And if we...
This is addressed to all the people who answered or may be thinking of answering the
personal ad I placed in volume 2, number 15 of this newspaper two weeks ago friday.
First: my apologies to the huge bartender with the voice and the lighthearted
dark-skinned advertising man. If either of you had called me back, I might not be writing
this retraction of my ad even though I will soon be too busy to date much, but why didn't
you call back???
But to the others... which include the two terrifying sisters, the under 18's and the over
60's, the numerous ones who dialed my number and hung up as soon as I said
"hello", the 35 or 40 of you who made dates with me and never showed
up...including the one who complained his body was so powerful he couldn't control it
anymore, the desperate wife-seekers, the already married, the one was so one-sided that he
could think of nothing but sex and then had the gall to ask me if his nationality was the
reason I wouldn't sleep with him, the many who couldn't get it up when I was agreeable and
the many who could and did when I was not, the pleasant young foreigner who turned out to
be the property of his gigantic girlfriend, the ones who were so grotesque in their
appearance that I couldn't possibly get by their faces to even consider a relationship
with them, especially sexual... the sharks, the geeks, and the sadists, the latter
category which I had specifically stated I didn't want, the ones who wanted endless dirty
talk the ones who wanted to be punished, the ones who could only boast about the bank-
rolls and/or their equipment, and this definitely includes the teacher who said: "All
the kids want my stuff", the businessman had an adjective for every letter in his
last name: "R is for rich", the ones and they were many who said: "my name
is so and so, how far do you go", the 300 pound lady judge who screamed abuse at me,
the transvestite who wanted me to support him, the numerous young studs who had nothing to
offer besides the negative result of their goddamn blood tests, the diminutive actor and
all the other short ones, the astronomer who cried like a baby and said he'd been betrayed
by every star he ever knew, the fanatic priest who wanted me to confess to things I'd
never even dreamed of, the worn out soldiers, the burned out poets,the pumped up jocks and
the used up kids, the racists, including the one at whose place I left my white sweater
and I'd rather cut off my right thumb go back for it... the drunks, junkies crack and
cokeheads, the multitude of liars and especially the nice ones who never called back!
I'll be starting school next month and I just don't want to be bothered. Don't hold your
breath, any of you.
The underweight platinum blond.
Have a nice day.
And I never really sleep anymore
And I always get those dangerous dreams
And I never get a minute of peace
And I gotta wonder what it means
And I gotta wonder what it means
Maybe it's nothing and I'm under the weather
Maybe it's just one of those bugs going round
Maybe I'm under a spell and it's magic
Maybe there's a witch doctor with an office in town
Is this a blessing or is it a curse?
Does it get any better? Can it get any worse?
Will it go on forever? Or is it over tonight?
Does it come with the darkness? Does it bring out the light?
Is it richer than diamonds?
Or just a little cheaper than spit?
I don't know what it is but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is but it just won't quit
And there used to be such an easy way of living
And there used to be every hope every joy
And I used to get everything that I went after
But there never used to be this boy
But there never used to be this boy
Maybe I'm crazy and I'm losing my senses
Maybe I'm possessed by a spirit or such
Maybe I'm desperate and I've got no defenses
Can you get me a prescription for that one perfect touch?
Is this a blessing or is it a curse?
Does it get any better? Can it get any worse?
Will it go on forever? Or is it over tonight?
Does it come with the darkness? Does it bring out the light?
It's a stairway to heaven or a subway going down to the pits
I don't know what it is but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is but it just won't quit
Is this a blessing or is it a curse?
Does it get any better? Can it get any worse?
Will it go on forever? Or is it over tonight?
Does it come with the darkness? Does it bring out the light?
Is it richer than diamonds?
Or just a little cheaper than spit?
I don't know what it is but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is but it just won't quit
There was a time when nothing ever really mattered
There was a time when there was nothing I didn't know
There was a time when I knew just what I was living for
There was a time and the time was long ago
There was a time and the time was so long ago
And I never really sleep anymore...
I never knew so many bad times
Could follow me so mercilessly
It's almost surreal
All the pain that I feel
The future ain't what it used to be
It doesn't matter what they're thinking
It doesn't matter what they're thinking of me
It's always so cold
I'm to young to be old
The future ain't what it used to be
Were there ever any stars in the sky
Did the sun ever shine so bright?
Do you have any dreams I could borrow
Just to get me through the lonely night?
Is there anything left to hold on to
When the rivers wash it all away?
Is there anyone left to hold on to
Is there anything left I can say?
Say a prayer for the falling angels
Stem the tide of the rising waters
Toll a bell for the broken hearted
Burn a torch for your sons and daughters
The endless night has got a hold of me
Dark days are pulling me forward
And all the tears are washing over me
I'm crying, lost forever
In a future that ain't what it used to be
No more no more no more
It's like a storm that's never ending
It's like a shadow on the land and the sea
There's nothing as sad as
A tomorrow gone bad
The future ain't what it used to be
Some days I feel so numb and empty
And those would be the good days for me
Nothing gets to me now
Unless I'm thinking of how
The future ain't what it used to be
Is there anything left to hold on to
When the rivers wash it all away?
Is there anyone left to hold on to
Is there anything left I can say?
Say a prayer for the falling angels
Stem the tide of the rising waters
Toll a bell for the broken hearted
Burn a torch for your sons and daughters
The endless night has got a hold of me
Dark days are pulling me forward
And all the tears are washing over me
I'm crying, lost forever
In a future that ain't what it used to be
No more no more no more
The future just ain't what it used to be
It's never gonna be like it was
The future just ain't what it used to be
I wish it wouldn't come but it does
I wish it wouldn't come but it always does